Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by Inaki.
And here is a premium post with some cool things that you can find in Google maps. My home (in the picture), my family's home in Zaragoza, fire in Iraqui oil rigs, Gadafi's submarines, illegal logging in the Amazon, curiosities, the famous misterious circles of the desert (explanation in the open source encyclopedia Wikipedia) , and then in Oklahoma, Forbidden city, Statue of liberty, Eiffel tower, Piramids, bar, UFOs, and finally site with the best.

Main view of the old city

Main view of the old city
Originally uploaded by Inaki.
Visby was a really beautifull place,reminds a bit of Tallin, worth to explore for a few days and go outside the city to the beaches of Gotland.

Visby es una ciudad preciosa, al estilo de Tallin, y que merece la pena explorar unos dias, salir del casco antiguo y visitar las playas de Gotland.

The audience is listening

The audience is listening
Originally uploaded by Inaki.
We also wento through things like sindication and how technology still combined with human power is the best solution for searching or getting recommendations. Some of the things that we mentioned were, Amazon recommendation engine, Flickr (for the collaborative effort of tagging photos), (for the collaborative effort of finding interesting content on the web, also called social bookmarks), Bloglines (for subscribing to your sources of information such as news, or interesting people that has always something new or finds things for you)

Hablamos tambien sobre como sindicar informacion y como tecnologia combianda con el esfuerzo humano es la herramienta mas poderosa para encontrar informacion o dar recomendaciones. Algunos de los ejemplo que mencionamos son, Amazon y su motor de recomendaciones, Flickr y su capacidad de resolver el problema de describir imagenes y fotos con la colaboracion de los usuarios, para compartir con otros usuarios enlances interesantes, Bloglines para recoger la ultima informacion y contenido al que me subscribo, tanto noticias como personas que considero interesantes o que son capaces de encontrar y agregar contenido que yo considero interesante.

Inaki talking and talking and Tanje looking amused

I promised to blog this, so here it goes. We engaged in a very interesting conversation, though now it seems hard to remember the details. I remember talking about the impact of technology in our lives and how for instance, as Jesper pointed out, Google maps gives us this feeling of the world sinking and its enormous size at the same time.

Prometi poner esto en mi blog asi que ahi va. Tuvimos una conversacion muy animada, aunque ahora parece dificil recordar los detalles. El tema cirulaba entorno al impacto de la tecnologia en nuestras vidas y como por ejemplo google maps nos hace tener una sensacion de que el mundo se hace pequeño aunque nos da tambien una perspectiva unica de su gradioso tamaño al mismo tiempo.

Ready to get in the boat

Ready to get in the boat
Originally uploaded by Inaki.
Last weekend we went for a weekend cruise to Visby, the Aaens, Geers-Ikola, Tianen-Brink and Amates. The trip was great. It was relaxing and just the best weather that you could ask for. The children did well and had fun. And the adults as well.

El fin de semana pasado fuimos a Visby, los Aaens, Geers-Ikola, Tianine-Brink y los Amate. El viaje fue genial, relajante y el mejor tiempo que se puede desear. Los niños se portaron muy bien y se pudieron entretener. Y lo mismmo los adultos.

Noel learning to walk with Siru and only 7 months July 2005

Noel turned 7 months a week ago and he just had learned to walk on four legs and could not wait enough to start standing on his own. When given the chance he just wants to walk. Siru took him for a walk on the garden

Noel cuimplio 7 meses la semana pasada. Acaba de aprender a gatear y ya solo quiere levantarse por si mismo. Cuando se le da la oportunidad solo quiere andar. Siru le saco a pasear al jardin.

Noel in the garden green eyes July 2005

Noel's eyes are still a wonder to me, some days they are blueish and some days brownish but a few days ago in the garden they seemed more green than anything

Los ojos de Noel no dejan de sorprenderme. Segun el dia, parecen azules o marrones, pero el otro dia en el jardin parecian definitivamente verdes.


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